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Heads up! Make sure to check your Catalina coupons at Target!
Catalina coupons are the coupons that print out at the register when you check out. They can be either store coupons, manufacturer's coupons, or just annoying ads. Judging from what I see at Target and King Soopers, most people either toss them out, leave them behind at the cashier, or stuff them in the bottom of their purses or wallets, sadly never to be seen again....
I've gotten some very pleasant surprises in the occasional really high-value (or even free product) Catalina coupons at both Target and King Soopers (Denver's Kroger affiliate), so I always check my Catalinas after I check out. Last night, I went to Target to use my $5 off $30 coupon and picked up some K-cups, and imagine my surprise when yet another $5 off $30 coupon printed at the register. In addition to the two that I printed out, and two that my husband printed out, this will make five. These are awesome high-value general coupons, and I intend on using every single one of them.
Check your Catalinas at Target when you purchase this week's groceries!
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