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One year subscription to Diabetic Cooking for $4.50 (6 issues, $0.75 each). Makes a thoughtful gift for a friend with diabetes

You don't need to actually be a diabetic to subscribe to Diabetic Cooking magazine, only someone who is interested in low-sugar (or no-sugar) healthy recipes. But if you are a diabetic, or have a loved one who is, reading this magazine is a wonderful way to get ideas about infusing creativity into a diabetic diet.  This magazine also makes a wonderful gift for a friend with diabetes.

Get a one-year subscription to Diabetic Cooking magazine (normally $19.99 per year) for just $4.50 from Tanga when you enter promo code DAILYCHEAPSKATE at checkout.

Click here to get started.  This offer is good today, 4/19/13 only.

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