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Betty Crocker 11-piece Decorating Kit for $6.29 (same set for $29.99 on Amazon!)

I was looking around the Oneida Spring Clearance Sale when I found this fantastic deal on the Betty Crocker 11-Piece Decorating Set.  I've been tracking this set on Amazon, where it's currently priced at $29.99.  (According to the price tracker, the lowest price it has ever been on Amazon was $23.98, back in February.)

Oneida has it for (gulp) $6.99 and after you apply promo code TTE10, that price drops down to $6.29.  Even with the $3.99 shipping, this is still a major, major steal.  And since that shipping is a flat rate (it goes down to $1.99 on orders of $50.00 or more), you can check out the Clearance Sale to see what other deals you can find.

This happens to be an excellent sale, one of the best I've seen in a while on the Oneida site, and I'm stocking up on gifts, kitchenware, and replacement Pesach stuff.

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