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Starbucks Caffe Verona Dark Roast k-cups for $0.54 each; $12.91 for a 24-count box

As many of you long-time Daily Cheapskate followers may know, my regular stockup price on k-cups is $0.50 or less per k-cup.

Except for Starbucks.

As one of the most popular brands in the world, Starbucks charges quite a bit more for their coffee, especially for their k-cups, and their devotees love the taste so much that the premium price is definitely worth it to them. (While Starbucks is not my favorite coffee,  I do get why people love it; I understand brand devotion, as I am willing to overpay for Dunkin Donuts k-cups.) A good stockup price on Starbucks k-cups is around $0.70-$0.80 per k-cup.  Still, I'm often asked for deals on Starbucks coffee, so when a rare one comes along...

Amazon Warehouse has got a 24-box pack of Starbucks Caffe Verona Dark Roast k-cups for only $12.91 with free Prime/SuperSaver shipping, or $0.54 per k-cup, which is incredibly close to my non-Starbucks k-cup stockup price.

(FYI, the regular Amazon price for these k-cups is $19.47 or $0.81 per k-cup.)

If you love Starbucks dark roasts, stock up on a few of these, as I can't remember the last time that Starbucks k-cups were priced this low, and I don't foresee it happening again too soon.

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