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STILL AVAILABLE ON GROUPON: Online accredited course in American Sign Language for $9.00. The course normally costs $299.

So many of you took advantage of this incredible opportunity when I posted it a while back, I wanted to post a gentle reminder that this deal is still available!  Take an accredited course in ASL for less than the price of an ASL handbook.

Get an online accredited course in American Sign Language (ASL) for only $9.00 from Groupon.  This course normally costs $299.00.

This is a great idea for something meaningful to do with your kids or spouse or parent (or by yourself). After you enroll in the Academy, you then have the choice of starting the course whenever you like; once you start the course, you have 60 days to complete it.

The Groupon cost is about the same as two Starbucks lattes, and you can do it at your own pace over a 60-day period, so this is a perfect fit for both budgeted and busy lifestyles.

The course includes:

  • 50 hours of online training (80% is video-based)
  • Certificate of completion (to receive certification, you must: 1) Complete every page of the course 2) Pass the exams with a minimum score of 55% for each 

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