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EXPIRED: The Bais Yaakov Cookbook for $9.24 on Amazon. This price will not last long.

Amazon has got The Bais Yaakov Cookbook for $9.24 with free Prime shipping, the lowest recorded Amazon price on this title.  There is a limit of one per account because of the low pricing. This price will not last long, so go get it now. This popular cookbook got 4.8 out of 5 stars over 90 customer reviews.

  • Get this year's best-selling Kosher cookbook - 50,000 already sold!
  • Much more than just another kosher cookbook, this unique cookbook is a first of its kind, containing a wealth of information.
  • 200 original recipes with stunning, full color photography
  • A personal brocha and challah recipe from Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky a"h
  • A pictorial history of Sara Schneirer and the Bais Yaakov movement
  • Comprehensive section of Halachos of cooking in the kitchen
  • Guide to complex brachos situations
  • Color guide to checking fruits and vegetables
  • Tips on shopping for, preparing, and serving gourmet meals
  • Comprehensive guide to shopping for meat, wine, cookware, etc.
  • This special cookbook belongs in the kitchen of every kosher home!

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