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EXPIRED. PRIME DAY DEAL: Dash buttons for 99 cents (normally $4.99) and receive a $4.99 off your first Dash Button order

Today only, buy an Amazon Dash Button for only 99 cents (normally $4.99).   And when you register your Dash Button, you will get a $4.99 Amazon credit on your first order through the Button. Let me explain more how this works and how you can turn this to your best advantage.

The idea behind having a Dash Button is that you can physically put it next to something that you consume a lot (k-cups, laundry detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.) and when you see that you're running low, you just press the button and voila, Amazon orders the item for you.  Super-convenient!  You connect the button to the item you want to order via the Amazon App, so you'll need a smartphone or tablet to be able to use Dash Buttons.

The snag is that when you press the Dash Button, the item is ordered at the current price, whatever that might be. So you want to be careful with Dash Buttons.  You can always cancel an order even after you've pressed the button, so there is a fallback, but you really want to doublecheck that price first.

Once you order and receive your 99-cent Dash buttonhere's how you register it.  To receive the $4.99 account credit, you must attempt to order through the Dash Button by 12/31/18.

The trick to making the most efficient use of this deal is to find each button's best deal.  (I noticed that Amazon now has a Dash Button for gift cards; that's probably a best bet, since that just seems like a straight, risk-free $4.99 off a $10.00 Amazon gift card.)

Not a member of Prime yet?  Make sure you get on the train and sign up here for Prime membership 30-day free trial. Only Prime members can take advantage of Prime Day deals.

Join Daily Cheapskate's Prime Day WhatsApp Broadcast List to never miss a single Prime Day deal!  (You must click this link on your smartphone, where you have WhatsApp installed.  It will not work on your computer.)

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