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Best Deals on School Uniforms: Walmart, JCPenney, and Target

Here are links to the best current deals on school uniform items at Walmart, JC Penney, and Target:

Walmart has got some terrific deals and the largest selection of these three stores, with free 2-day shipping starting with a $35 purchase (or free in-store pickup).

At JCPenney, make sure you use promo code 7BIGSALE to get a minimum 15% off everything, or 20% off your purchase of $100 or more. There is also promo code UNIFORM6 for $10 off $50 on your uniform purchase.  You can use only one promo code so try both and see which one will yield a lower price.  Do a free ship-to-store on orders over $25 to avoid shipping at JCP.

Target has great prices on school uniforms and is currently having a sale promoting girls' and boys' polo shirts for $4.00 and girls' and boys' pants for $8.00.  Use your RedCard to get 5% off everything and free shipping with no minimum (or free shipping with a $25 minimum purchase if you're paying with a card other than a RedCard).

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