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3D Magna Tiles! Get an 87-piece Magna Qubix set (+ another toy) for $80 on Amazon! Here's how.

Over the last few years, Magna-Tiles magnetic building tiles have become one of THE most popular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) toy gifts to give over the holiday period. 

The Magna-Tiles brand was considered the "premier" set, but it was a pricey one, and the demand for less expensive magnetic tile sets spawned dozens of popular copycat brands that sold like crazy over the holiday season.  So now that pretty much every family with kids on Planet Earth owns either a Magna-Tiles set or a Magna Tiles copycat set, what's next?

This past autumn, Magna Tiles released the next iteration: Magna-Qubix!  Instead of 2D tiles, these are 3-dimensional magnetic shapes made out of those tiles that work exactly as Magna-Tiles do, but with an added dimension. If you thought your kids could build interesting things with Magna-Tiles wait until you see what they can do with Magna Qubix.
  • New from Magna-Tiles, the original 3D magnetic building sets that engage young minds by fusing together math, science and creativity
  • 29 translucent, colorful 3D shapes including 4 square pyramids, 8 triangular prisms, 12 cubes, 2 hexagonal prism and 3 rectangular prisms
  • Sparks hours of imaginative free play in children. Anything they can dream, they can create!
  • Develops math, science, spatial and tactile skills. STEM approved!
  • Safe, durable and built to last for years
  • Ages 3 years and up 
Magna-Qubix comes in sets of 29 and 19, but great news, the 29-piece set of Magna-Qubix is included in the $20 off $100 Amazon toy promotion.  So, here's how to get an 87-piece Magna-Quibix set (plus one other toy) for only $80.00.
  1. Add three 29-piece Magna-Cubix sets for $29.99 each to your shopping cart.  (The quantity limit on these sets is three per Amazon account.) So that's a total of $89.97
  2. Add another toy that cost at least $10.03 from this selection to your cart. 
  3. Amazon will automatically deduct $20.00 from your order!

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