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REMINDER: 20% off + free shipping at Bloomingdale's = stunning tableware steals

Get free shipping with no minimum purchase and 20% off at Bloomingdales.com through 11/11/12.  The free shipping is automatic.  Enter promo code HOLIDAYFF at checkout to get 20% off everything at Bloomingdale's, including clearance items.  

There are some absolutely stunning household items on sale, and stacked with the 20% promo code and free shipping, you can get some real steals.  I've always love the housewares and tablewares at Bloomingdale's, but they have always been untouchable in the past because of Bloomie's exorbitant prices.  Needless to say, I went to town with this promo code.

This beautiful jewel-colored 8" Bormioli Rocco "Ypsilon" Jug, imported from Italy, is just $7.99 shipped after promo code.  I just ordered 3 gold (the "orange" color) ones, which will complement my Shabbat gold-rimmed china beautifully.  These seem to be on the smallish side (8" high), so I'm going to use them as wine/grape juice carafes.  I'll put one away for Pesach.

Get this Simply Designz Small Amber Nut Bowl for only $7.19 shipped, after the promo code.

How about this clever WMF/USA Bistro Olive Spoon in 18/10 stainless steel for $3.99 shipped, after the promo code.

Get this gorgeous set of six 10 Strawberry Street "Carat" Dessert Glasses for $13.99 per set shipped, after the promo code ($2.33 per dessert glass).  I got two of these sets, and I might order a third; I can totally envision a mini trifle dessert in each of these elegant glasses.  I love how the bowl part of the glass is shaped like a sphere and the base is shaped like a cube...what a striking design.

Been hankering after a high-end designer tablecloth?  (I feel your pain.)  This Ralph Lauren Suite Paisley 60"x84" tablecloth is $33.19 shipped or the 60"x104" size is $40.00 shipped, after the promo code.  This tablecloth is a practical 60% cotton/40% polyester and is machine washable (don't EVER buy a tablecloth that isn't!).

There are lots more houseware steals here, but act quickly, as many of the better ones are already selling out.

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