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SodaStream Pink Fizz Kit for half price at $65, with free shipping

Quite a number of you were able to snag the half-price $40.00 SodaStream deal yesterday, but I know that even more of you could not. SodaStream changed the eligible items, was having a tough time handling the traffic, and in general was making me a little nuts!  But today is another day.

They did sell out of the $40 SodaStream set, but the nice folks at SodaStream are still offering a half-price deal AND free-shipping on the $129.95 machine, the Pink Fizz Seltzer Starter Kit.  They are no longer offering the Holiday Sampler, but the Pink Fizz Seltzer Starter Kit comes with six more SodaMix flavors than the cheaper SodaStream set:
  • Fizz Home Soda Maker
  • 60 liter Carbonator
  • Carbonating Bottle
  • Sodamix Variety 12 pack
And the Pink Fizz Seltzer Starter Kit has the added "mitzvah" bonus of being a Susan G. Komen item.  That means that 5% of the proceeds from the sale of the Pink Fizz Seltzer Kit will go to the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.  So you get a great deal and you get to do a good deed, all at once!

Get the Pink Fizz Seltzer Starter Kit (priced at $129.95) for only $64.98.  Here's how:
  1. Add the Pink Fizz Seltzer Starter Kit to your cart.  It's priced at $129.95.
  2. Enter promo code FF2012 for 50% off to drop that price down to $64.98.
  3. Enter promo code FREEFIZZ for free shipping.
  4. Your total for the kit is $64.98 shipped!
(FYI, for those of you frugalistas who have written in,  neither this rebate nor this rebate are good on SodaStream.com purchases.  Sorry.)

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