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New Amazon Mom members can get $10 off their first pack of diapers

New members to Amazon Mom, you can now get $10 off your first pack of select diapers.

Parents, if you haven’t signed up for Amazon Mom yet, new members get an extra $10 off their first pack of eligible diapers. That's in addition to these Amazon Mom benefits:
  • 3 months of free 2-day shipping
  • Save 20% off diapers and wipes
That means that when you order your first shipment of diapers, you can combine the $10 discount and 20% off subscription benefit, and your order ships for free.

This offer is valid for first-time Amazon Mom members only, and the $10 promotional discount must be used  on the diapers listed here within seven days of joining.

Remember, you don't have to be an actual mother to join Amazon Mom...just a caretaker of a small child.  Fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles can also join as well, so if you already had a membership, perhaps you can sign your spouse up in order to take advantage of this limited offer.

Join Amazon Mom here.

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