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SodaStream Fizz PLUS 12-count SodaMix Holiday Sampler Pack for $64.98 with free shipping, today only. Hurry!

SECOND UPDATE:  They have sold out of the lower end SodaStream machine, but the half-price offer is still good on the Blue Fizz Seltzer Start Kit and the Pink Fizz Seltzer Starter Kit.  Since these are better, more expensive machines, the offer is now $65.00 instead of $40.00.  I've updated my links.

UPDATE:  Some of you have been trouble with the 50% off promo code (I did too).  Here's what you do:  empty your cart and close out the window.  Then reload this page, as the deal is on a very specific machine and I've updated my links.  Start again, and you should have no trouble.  Make sure you enter promo code FF2012 first.


Hurry!  If you've been waiting to buy a SodaStream, today is the day.

Today only, get the SodaStream Red Jet Stream Blue Fizz Seltzer Start Kit or the Pink Fizz Seltzer Starter Kit plus a 12 count Holiday Sampler Pack of SodaMixes plus free shipping for only $64.98.  Here's how:
  1. Add the SodaStream Red Fountain Jet Seltzer Starter kit  Add either the Blue Fizz Seltzer Start Kit or the Pink Fizz Seltzer Starter Kit to your cart.  The Pink Fizz Seltzer Starter Kit also includes a 5% donation to the Susan Komen Foundation.  They are both priced at $79.95 $129.95 and each set  includes
    • Fizz Home Soda Maker
    • 60 liter Carbonator
    • Carbonating Bottle
    • Sodamix Variety 12 pack
  2. Today only, every person who purchases a SodaStream unit will also receive a free 12-count Holiday Sampler Pack of SodaMixes (value $9.99).  It will appear in your cart on its own.
  3. Enter promo code FF2012 for 50% off to drop that price down to $39.98  $64.98.
  4. Enter promo code FREEFIZZ for free shipping.
  5. Your total for the kit and free 12-count sampler is $39.98  $64.98 shipped!
Remember, the half-price and free shipping promo codes and the bonus 12-count sodamixes are only good today, 11/26/12, so grab this half price offer now!

(FYI, for those of you frugalistas who have written in,  neither this rebate nor this rebate are good on SodaStream.com purchases.  Sorry.)


  1. Any idea why the FF2012 code isn't working?

    1. The red unit was the key! Totally worked! Thanks Susan!!

  2. Tanya K11/26/2012

    Was so excited about this! But the 50% off coupon code isn't working :( I get this message "The coupon code you've entered does not apply to any of the products in your basket."

  3. I got the same message, Tanya. Don't give up. Empty your shopping cart and close that window. Then reload my blog page (or just go to DailyCheapskate.com in a new window...it'll reload by itself. I've updated my links. Also make sure you enter the FF2012 promo code FIRST. If you use my new link, you should have no problem. Please let me know if you do!

  4. I still can't get this to work. :(

  5. I can't get this work either. Would love to get this as a gift!! Great price but the code says it does not apply. I have closed and restarted and made sure to select the red one. Any ideas?

  6. They are now sold out. :( The half price deal works on the higher-end models, so I've updated my post. It's now a $65 deal. Sorry about missing the $40 deal. :(


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