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30% off sitewide at KitchenAid; get a 4.5 quart stand mixer for $163 shipped!

Wow!  Have you been hankering after a Kitchen Aid stand mixer?  Maybe want to give one as a Chanukah present or get one for Pesach?

Now, get a whopping 30% off sitewide at KitchenAid.com when you enter promo code PGA2012 at checkout (through 11/9/12).  That means you can snag a KitchenAid Classic Series 4.5 quart tilt-head stand mixer, priced at $229.00, for as low as $160.99 + $2.00 shipping =  $162.99 shipped!

If you want to get a larger one, this KitchenAid Professional 600 Series 6 Quart Bowl-Lift Stand Mixer, priced at $449.99 will go for $314.99 + $2.00 shipping  = $316.99 shipped.

The 30% discount is SITEWIDE through Friday, 11/9/12, so check out the other appliances and cookware as well.  Shipping is a flat $2.00.  Make sure you enter the promo code PGA2012 in all caps, as it is case sensitive.  Let me know if you see some other bargains that I might have missed!

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