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$5 off $25 at Home Depot when you pay with your PayPal account

Add this offer to your Paypal account:  $5 off a $25 purchase at Home Depot (expires 11/18/12).  Click on the blue "Save to PayPal account" button to save the offer. Then, the next time you'd like to purchase something at Home Depot (before 11/18/12), use your PayPal account to pay for it and you'll save $5 off $25.  You can use it in-store if you link up your mobile phone to your PayPal account (the instructions will be on the next screen, after you save the offer to your account).

HT:  Clip & Follow


  1. The link is bad.

    Try this:

  2. Thank you Chana and my apologies for the dead link. I updated the post with your link. Appreciate it!


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