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$5.00 off any Hamilton Beach appliance at Target, through 11/21/12

Print your $5.00 off any Hamilton Beach appliance here.  The coupon is good through 11/21/12 and is in-store only.

Now let's go shopping.

There are five Hamilton Beach appliances currently on sale for 15% off in-store at Target, through 11/21/12:
  • Hamilton Beach 2-way coffeemaker, regular price $89.99, less 15% = $76.49 - $5.00 coupon = $71.49 (Amazon has it for $76.50)
  • Hamilton Beach 4-quart slow cooker,  regular price $24.99, less 15% = $21.24 - $5.00 coupon = $16.24 (I can't find another vendor that carries this particular slow cooker, but nevertheless, this strikes me as a real bargain.)
  • Hamilton Beach Die Cast Blender. regular price $59.99, less 15% = $50.99 - $5.00 coupon = $45.99 (Amazon has it for $56.98)
  • Hamilton Beach Single Serve Coffeemaker, regular price $69.99, less 15% = $59.49 - $5.00 coupon = $54.49 (Amazon has it for $53.55, so this deal is not worth it)
  • Hamilton Beach Smoothie Smart Blender, regular price $39.99 less, 15% = $33.99 - $5.00 coupon = $28.99 (Amazon has it for $34.88)

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