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ExerSaucer for $39.97 shipped (or $60 on Amazon)

This identical item goes for $59.99 on Amazon, where it got 4-1/2 stars out of 5 over 144 customer reviews.  (Save about 33%!)
  • A safer alternative to walkers; provides a secure environment for baby.
  • Interactive, age-appropriate toys.
  • Helps develop gross-motor skills, fine-motor skills, object exploration, cause/effect learning, self-awareness, tactile development, visual development, object permanence, and hand-eye coordination.
  • Landscaped tray surrounds your child, bringing the toys closer to them 3-position height adjustment, allows the ExerSaucer baby activity center to grow with your child.
  • Provides an outlet for physical exercise to develop baby's neck, back and leg muscles.
  • Removable, machine-washable seat pad for easy and convenient cleaning.
  • For babies up to 30" tall or until the child is walking.
  • Assembly required.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks this will be perfect for our little one


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