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Save $6 when you buy four P&G products from a Kroger affiliate store

Kroger and Kroger affiliate shoppers (like at King Soopers in Denver, or Bakers in Omaha or Ralph's in Los Angeles, etc.), grab this offer!  Click here to get $2 loaded on to your Krogers shopper's card instantly when you share this offer with four friends (via email).  Then load four digital Procter & Gamble e-coupons on to your shopper's loyalty card, and when you purchase four P&G items at the store, you'll save another $4 at checkout.  If these are items that you would buy anyway, that's a great deal:  $6 in groceries for not very much effort.  Make your P&G purchase by 12/8/12 to get the additional $4 back.  Click here to get started.

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