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Starkist tuna pouch, $0.54 at Target after coupon

Believe in Heroes is a Wounded Warrior Project initiative that calls on Americans to recognize the enormous sacrifices made by our newest generation of veterans and to honor the service of these individuals over a two-month campaign leading up to Veterans Day. The Believe in Heroes campaign will provide the American public with an opportunity to show their support and appreciation of our veterans in their communities, and across the nation. One way to show your support is to print the Wounded Warrior Project coupons (if you just want to print the coupons, close the pop-up donation box with the X in the upper right-hand corner). Some of these are rare coupons not found elsewhere (like Heinz Ketchup, Clorox bleach, Dr. Pepper, Minute Maid, etc.

 One of the coupons is $1.00 off any two Starkist tuna packets.  Print off two copies of this rare coupon.

This week, Target is having an (unadvertised) sale on 2.6 oz. Starkist pouches:  $1.04 each.

Buy two pouches with the coupon, and that price drops to $0.54 each pouch.

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