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More Sprouts deals: Muir Glen tomatoes, Cascasdian Farm and Food Should Taste Good deals

Through 4/17/13, Sprouts has got a great deal on Cascadian Farms, Food Should Taste Good and Muir Glen items.  Buy any combination of five items in one shopping trip, and then save $3.00 automatically at the register.  Stack this deal with coupons on these items and you will save a bundle.

Here's one shopping scenario:
  1. Buy 2 Muir Glen tomato items for $1.50 each = $3.00
  2. Buy 2 Cascadian Farms items for $3.00 each = $6.00
  3. Buy 1 Food Should Taste Good item for $2.00 = $2.00
TOTAL:  $11.00
  1. Save $3.00 immediately on Buy-5-Save-$3 deal.
  2. Save $1.00 on store Cascadian Farm coupon
  3. Save $1.00 x 2 = $2.00 on two Cascadian Farm manufacturer's coupons
  4. Save $0.75 x 2 = $1.50 on two Muir Glen manufacturer's coupons
  5. Save $0.75 on one Food Should Taste Good manufacturer's coupon

Total out-of-pocket on five items:  $2.75 or an average of $0.55 each.  

This is a shopping scenario for a single computer, as you can only print out a maximum of two manufacturer's coupon per computer.  You can really go to town if you you have more than one computer, but remember that there is a limit of one store coupon per purchase (keep in mind when you are using the Cascadian Farm Sprouts store coupon), so depending on what you are buying, you might have to stretch your deals into multiple shopping trips. 

We have three computers, so I was able to print five Muir Glen coupons and snag five cans for $0.15 each:
Buy five cans of Muir Glen tomatoes for $1.50 each = $7.50
  1. Save $3.00 immediately on Buy-5-Save-$3 deal.
  2. Save $0.75 x 5 = $3.75 with five Muir Glen manufacturer's coupons.
Total out-of-pocket is $0.75 or just $0.15 per can.

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