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Target Daily Deal: cotton/cashmere blend sweaters for $27.49 - $21.37 shipped (including PLUS sizes)

Target has got a great pre-Black Friday Daily Deal going on today:  get a cashmere blend sweater (85% cotton, 15% cashmere) in various styles, colors and sizes (including PLUS sizes) for $27.49  $29.99 + $4.99 shipping = $32.49 $34.98.  Use promo code TGTZNNB7 to drop the price on these sweaters by an additional $5.00 to $24.99.  When you use your RedCard, that total drops by 5% to $23.74 and shipping is free.  There are five colors available in each style, from sizes small through 4X.   These pretty sweaters would make a wonderful Chanukah gift.

And if you don't like the sweater when it comes, return it to any Target store easily (no return shipping fee).

And while we're talking about Target deals, click on the red "sign up now" button here and enter your info to be in the pipeline for Target Cyber-Week deals and exclusive offers. Cyber Week begins on 12/1/13, so make sure you sign up NOW.

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