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Whirlpool 24.8 Stainless Steel refrigerator for $862 after discount and SYW rewards

Sears has got this Whirlpool 24.8 monochromatic stainless steel French Door refrigerator for $889.00 with free in-store pickup.  It's priced at $899.00, but apply the promo code 10OFF75 to drop it down to $889.00.  You'll also earn $27.00 in Shop Your Way points that you can use for any future purchase at Sears or Kmart (effectively dropping the price on this French Door refrigerator to $862.00.

I was just remarking to my husband this week how you can't really find any French door refrigerators for under $1,000 anymore, when this Cyber Monday deal popped up.  You will not find any other French Door refrigerators under a well-known brand name with this much cubic footage AND a stainless steel exterior finish at this price level.

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