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Noah's Ark and rainbow decorations, toys and recipes (for Parshat Noach)

I know a lot of my mom friends like to rainbow-glam it up for the Shabbos of Parshas Noach, as a fun teaching tool for their little kids, so I emailed a few of my girlfriends with small children for their go-to Noah's Ark deals and ideas and here's what they came back with:

And don't forget this recipe for Rainbow Challah, this recipe for Rainbow Cookies,

Rainbow Noodles (creative way to get your kids to eat chicken soup), and this recipe for Rainbow Cake (pictured at the top of this post).

And here's the one I might try this year, Rainbow Veggie Skewers (though I will probably throw some chicken in there).

Other Parshat Noach suggestions?  Send them on down.

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