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One-year subscriptions to Nat'l Geographic Little Kids for $6.00 or Nat'l Geographic Kids for $9.60 (LOWEST PRICES, 75% discount off newsstand prices)

Groupon has got two great deal on National Geographic for Kids and National Geographic for Little Kids subscriptions.
National Geographic Kids
  • 1-year subscription; 10 issues total
  • Great for kids ages 6 and up
  • Issues filed with challenging puzzles and games that make learning fun
  • Articles packed with interesting facts on wildlife and nature that encourage young exploration
  • Features different and diverse cultures for enriched global awareness and understanding
National Geographic Little Kids:
  • 1-year subscription; 6 issues total
  • Great for toddlers ages 3-6
  • Engages and educates kids about the world around them with engaging stories and interactive picture games
  • Full-color lively photos of nature and animals

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