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High-value $3 Zevia coupon. Get a six pack at Sunflower or Sprouts for $1 and at Whole Foods for $2

Zevia, the all-natural, sugar free, caffeine-free, food coloring-free soda that is flavored with stevia, has got a new coupon out for $3 off one six pack.  Print it here.

This is a very expensive soda that occasionally goes on sale at Whole Foods, Sprouts, Sunflower and Target. 

Whole Foods also currently has a $1 store coupon for Zevia that is stackable with the manufacturer's coupons (at some Whole Foods, YMMV).  A six pack of Zevia is $5.99 at Whole Foods, so if you stack these coupons, you'll get $3 + $1 off and you'll get a six-pack for $1.99.

Sprouts and Sunflower also have a $1 printable store coupon that's stackable with the $3 manufacturer's coupon, and they have the Zevia six-pack on sale for $4.99, so if you stack these coupons, you'll get $3 + $1 off and you'll get a six-pack of Zevia for a mere $0.99.

HT:  Hip2Save

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