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Some of you may know that I was away from my home in Denver for the entire month of August.  My husband and I vacationed in the latter half of August, but for the first half, I was in New York visiting family and friends.  One of the great things that I did there was attend BlogHer, a blogging conference that was held this year in Manhattan (and parenthetically, for you KOAB readers, yes, I was conference roomies with rockstar Jewish blogger, Mara Strom).

While you may realize that I'm not big on doing reader giveaways, I did pick up some fun items at BlogHer, and I'm embarrassed to admit, I just got around to unpacking them all now.  <Red blushyface.>

I met with some wonderful folks at the National Honey Board while at BlogHer, and I snagged a couple of awesome Honey.com full-length aprons for you in honor of the upcoming sweet Jewish New Year (the apron is folded up in the picture above, but it is a long baking apron).  I know Rosh Hashana is JUST around the corner, but I'd like to do a quickie Flash giveaway of these ubercute, high-quality, black (so even the guys will like these), poly-cotton (so they wash up very easily), full length Honey.com aprons to three of my readers.  This is a 24-hour, FLASH giveaway, so that I'll at least stand a chance of getting these to the three winners before Rosh Hashana.  Here's how you enter. It's ridiculously easy.
  1. Like DailyCheapskate's Facebook page.
  2. Like the National Honey Board's Facebook page.
  3. Leave a short, honey-related comment below.  What do I mean by honey-related?  Get creative.  Have a little fun.  Or, if you just want to snag an apron and are feeling boring, just say: "Susie, honey, I want an apron."  Make sure you leave your email address or I won't be able to contact you when you win.
You've got to be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the continental United States, and not my husband  (sorry Joshua honey, pun intended) in order to qualify.  Also, you must leave your email address in the comment in order to qualify (if you win and didn't include an email address, I'll have to move on to the next person.)  If you're afraid of spambots, leave your email address like this:  frugalskate at gmail dot com.

Three winners will be chosen at random, tomorrow, on Thursday evening. My rare giveaways have always been low-entry ones, so with three winners, you've got great chances of winning a Honey.com apron!

 Ready, go....


  1. First comment! My favorite stupid movie is Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. basilspice@gmail.com

  2. Ok, I'll bite. Love the Lady Gaga song Money Honey. How's that? hannahkaye@hotmail.com

  3. Randi G9/11/2012

    Your deals are as sweet as honey. Did I lay it on too thick? topdog522@gmail

  4. Honey badger don't give a... crap. chavah1@hotmail.com

  5. Anonymous9/12/2012

    Just stocked up on honey! Rosh Hashanah is coming soon and I use honey in my challah and serve it for dipping apples to symbolize a "sweet" new year. wscherer@gmail.com

  6. Stuart9/12/2012

    honey make a great substitute for sugar in many recipes. sstein at yahoo dot com

  7. I've liked both pages. Honey is a big part of my life: it goes in my pizza dough, it comes from Costco (land of savings if you buy the right things), and of course, my darling sweet husband.

    "Honey," I asked him last night, "Would you do me a huuuuge favor and dig into the Pesach boxes? I just knowwww we have extra foil pans, and we wouldn't want to break our budget buying any for Rosh Hashanah, would we?"

    And THAT'S how we save money... a glorious word that rhymes with HONEY!

  8. Sugar pie honey bunch u know that I love you.... my fave song from the 80's....

  9. Anonymous9/12/2012

    Whenever I catch cold a cup of hot tea and a teaspoon of honey is a must!

  10. Anonymous9/12/2012

    Nothing but money is sweeter than HONEY!!! ~ Benjamin Franklin
    KEEP THOSE AWESOME DEALS COMING!!!! :) mytwystedsister@aol.com

  11. Honey is just as good as a spoon full of sugar
    leahlevine11 at gmail dot com

  12. Anonymous9/12/2012


    Susie, honey, I want an apron.

  13. Ah....how do I top all these sweet as honey comments? When I was younger (ok, young) my mom made me warm milk with honey; best treat ever! rfsompo@gmail.com

  14. Yona z9/12/2012

    My sons only lunch option for years was PB and honey on a thomas' bagel. Not punny but true. Thanks for the giveaway. Smileb613@aol.com

  15. How SWEET of you to run this HONEY of a sweepstakes :) bfeldman (at) gmail.com


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