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Ross-Simons Daily Deal: 14 kt gold, sterling silver and diamond necklace for $75, today only.

Wow.  Ross-Simons' Deal of the Day is this stunning sterling silver and 14kt gold bead necklace with .35 ct. t.w. diamonds for $75.00 (plus $7.95 shipping).  This necklace will go back to its regular sale price of $110.00 after today (11/6/12).

Check out the detail on this elegant necklace:  

Description: A study in symmetry and balance, this five-sphere necklace features one large, center sphere and four smaller spheres, two on each side. Accented with .35 ct. t.w. diamond discs. Sterling silver and 14kt yellow gold necklace.  16" $75; 18" $85, 20" $95.

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