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Amazon Gold Box Deal of the Day: Exercise Bikes from Schwinn and Nautilus

Quite a number of readers have asked about exercise bikes, so today's Amazon's Gold Box Deal of the Day today, 1/1/13, is quite timely! 

The Gold Box Deal is on three well-rated exercise bikes from Schwinn and Nautilus.  I did some price comparisons to see how good these deals were.  Gold Box Deal prices are known to be competitive, but I like to see it in black and white, especially on a major purchase like an exercise bike.

This Nautilus R514 Recumbent Exercise Bike is on sale for $369.99 with free shipping, list price $699.00.
Is the price good?  It's excellent and competitive.  Is the bike any good?  It received 4.1 out of 5 stars over 122 customer reviews.  
I have had the Nautilus R514 for about 3 weeks now and it has been the best exercise machine that I have ever bought. The computer on it is easy to understand. You can go up to 16 levels as far as resistance is concerned. My husband and I have not really done a lot of aerobic exercise in a long while so we have our highest setting as level 4 right now, which doesn't sound like much, but is. He weighs roughly 290 and I weigh 170. I am average height of 5'6" and he is very tall. He doesn't have any problem with the seat settings. The seat is very easy to move to change between his and mine. The frame of the machine is very sturdy. It takes up a bit of room as it is about 4 and a half to 5 feet long and needs about 3 feet of space widthwise. But we fit it into our living room all right. I have gotten tired of buying low-priced machines that do not last long so I decided to spend some more money and buy something from a company with a good reputation. I always used Nautilus machines at the gym I used to go to and they were always excellent machines. As I make progress with this machine I will write an addon to this post later this year. I definitely recommend this product. Also, it was shipped very quickly and that was even with free shipping, and was in pristine condition when I received it.
  • Recumbent exercise bike for the home with 16 resistance levels and 20-Pound flywheel.
  • 7 Profile courses, 2 programmable user profiles, 20 total programs.
  • 4 Polar heart rate programs, with telemetry, grip and chest belt (included).
  • Powerful fan, and multi-point seat and console adjustments, oversized deluxe pedals.
  • 300-Pound maximum user weight.
  • 10-year warranty on frame, 2 years on parts, 1 year on electronics.

Next up is the Schwinn AD6 Airdyne Exercise Bike for $479.99 with free shipping, list price $999.00.  This appears to be a top-of-the-line piece of exercise equipment.
Pricewise, again, it's an excellent buy and very competitive.  It received 4.7 out of 5 stars over 7 customer reviews (no one rated it less than 4 stars; please read these excellent reviews.). 
  • Infinite wind resistance the harder you pedal the harder the resistance
  • Workout upper and lower body simultaneously or independently
  • Console continuously shows 6 workout metrics, no more waiting for the readouts and has RevMeter RPM gauge
  • New RevMeter RPM gauge is a fun visual way to see your efforts
  • Large thickly padded seat for comfort
  • Four levelers to ensure stability
  • Integrated water bottle holder
  • Telemetric heart rate compatible (chest strap not included)
  • Transport wheels
  • Wind screen and reading rack accessories are available (sold separately)


Last up is this Schwinn 120 Upright Exercise Bike (2012 Model) for $194.99, list price $399.  This is the lowest-end and also the least expensive of the three bikes.
This bike appears to be the best competitive price as well.  It received 3.9 out of 5 stars over 46 customer reviews.
  • Upright, stationary exercise bike with perimeter weighted flywheel and quiet magnetic ECB resistance system.
  • 16 resistance levels offer a true road feel, and smooth, consistent workouts.
  • Over-sized console with 7 preset programs; contact heart rate monitoring on the handle bars.
  • Features include MP3 music input port, speakers, two speed fan, water bottle holder, and transport wheels.
  • Anatomically correct, comfortable seat and oversized pedals with toe straps; comprehensive warranty coverage.

We already have an exercise bike in our basement, but if I were shopping for on now, which one would I get?  

Probably the Nautilus R514 Recumbent for $369.99.  I like the recumbent feature, the 10-year frame warranty, the fact that the price is so competitive, and that the reviews are mostly raves.  I love the Schwinn AD6 Airdyne, especially the wind resistance feature (sounds like it mimics an actual biking experience) but I couldn't afford to spend more than $450 on an exercise bike (in spite of how competitive the  price is compared to other vendors) unless I were very, very serious about my exercise routine and losing weight.  The Schwinn 120 seems like a great, low-price first exercise bike, with basic features and a fantastic price.  

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