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Heads up! Check your email for two great deals

Check your inbox for these two great deals:

If you were already a member of ShopRunner, they have extended your membership for free through the end of 2013!  Look for an email dated 12/30/12 with the subject line "Your ShopRunner Membership Has Been Extended!"  This free year is worth $79.00.

The second offer was sent out today, 1/1/13, and has the subject line "$2 MP3 Credit from Amazon Mom." If you are currently a member of Amazon Mom (free to join), you'll get a $2 Amazon MP3 credit today, just because.  Make sure you enter the unique promo code that comes in the email to redeem your credit.  It expires 1/31/13.


  1. I only got a $29 for the year offer

  2. Anonymous, that's unusual. I would hold off if I were you, as there seem to be free offers available sporadically.


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