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Frugal News: Woman Sues Store for Misleading Couponing Practices

Please click here to read the story of the woman who is suing a store over $0.80.  The upshot is, She bought $106+ worth of merchandise, and used a $5 off $50 coupon.  She then returned an $18 item, and the store prorated her $5 discount and forced her to return 80 cents worth.  She is suing the store for "fraudulent . . . [and] misleading" promotion," claiming that had she known she'd be penalized for returning the item, she would have bought it on a separate receipt.

I love wacky stories like this. What do you think?  Was she right?  Was the store right? Were they both wrong?

Hat tip to SusieR for submitting this.


  1. The store was definitely in the wrong. $106 - $18 is still way over $50. Just like when my daughter returned the empty bottles; there were 30 of them and she asked for $1.50. Cashier told her it was $0.80 and my daughter was too scared to argue but fumed about it for 2 days.

  2. Agreed, no question she was right, but should she have sued over 80 cents? I think that either 1) it will be thrown out, but the stores will now be much more careful about their couponing policies, which is a good thing, or 2) it will go to a bench trial,she'll win, and the judge will award her damages of 80 cents.


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