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Rent/Purchase an Amazon Instant Video for as little as a penny, get a $1 Amazon MP3 credit

Rent/Purchase an Amazon Instant Video, get a $1 Amazon MP3 credit.

Details on qualifying for this offer:
  • Purchase or rent at least one qualifying movie or TV show offered by Amazon Instant Video in the webstore, on your Kindle Fire, or a connected device. Prime Instant Video streaming does not qualify for this promotion. The items that qualify are paid rentals or purchases in the Amazon Instant Video Store that display the offer message on their webstore product information pages. Qualifying movies or TV shows will not display promotional messaging on their mobile device, Kindle, or other connected device information pages.
  • After completing your purchase, you will receive an e-mail indicating that a $1 credit for Amazon MP3 music has been applied to your account automatically. The e-mail will also provide instructions on how to redeem your credit.
  • Offer limited to one promotional credit per customer.
  • Promotional offer is valid  through11/30/12, and subject to change. You must redeem the credit by 1/31/13.
I purchased this horribleterribleawful movie for a penny (it was the cheapest I could find and I actually used a past Amazon Video credit for that penny) and immediately received my $1 MP3 credit.

There have been a plethora of free digital credit offers on Amazon lately, and it's not too clear how to check what your balance is on these credits, as the balances are not located on the same page as your regular gift card balance is.  Here's how to check those balances very easily. 
  1. First, make sure you're logged into your Amazon account
  2. Click over here.
  3. Click on the gold "Enter a code" button. You'll be rewarded with a popup that looks like this, that will reveal all of your current digital balances:

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