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Sears: BOGOHO on bakeware

CorningWare 14 Piece French White Bakeware Set

Sears is running a buy-one-get-one-half-off (BOGOHO) sale on all of their bakeware through 11/3/12.   No promo code needed; the discount will show up automatically when you add the second item to your shopping cart.

AND, on top of the BOGOHO sale, get an additonal $5 off your $50 purchase when you enter promo code SEARS2012 at checkout.  Make sure you choose free ship-to-store to avoid shipping charges.

There are tons of great buys available!

Take the very classic CorningWare 14 Piece French White Bakeware Set pictured above.  It goes for $39.99 at Sears.com.  Buy two of them and that price drops to $29.99 each for a $59.99 total.  Since your total is over $50, use promo code SEARS2012 to get $5 off, and your total drops again to $54.99, or  $27.49 each set.

This identical set goes for $59.99 on Amazon so you'll be getting yours for less than half of that.

Let me know what other great steals you snag at this BOGOHO sale.

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