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Anchor Hocking 9-piece ovenware set for $8.99 with free ship-to-store

Get this 9-piece Anchor Hocking ovenware set for just $8.99 from Kmart.  It's currently priced at $9.99 (originally $22.99), but when you use the promo code OFFERS10 at checkout, that price will drop by 10% to $8.99.  Select free ship-to-store to avoid the shipping charge.

  • Glass is tempered for added durability and bakes more evenly than metal.
  • Two 6 oz. bowls with plastic lids
  • 2-quart handled dish with glass lid
  • 5" x 9" handled dish
  • 8" x 8" handled dish
  • 9" x 13" handled dish
  • Also microwave, freezer and dishwasher safe


  1. Anonymous11/06/2012

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