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STILL AVAILABLE: 24 K-cups + Travel Mug + coffee filters for $8.24 shipped at Green Mountain Cafe, for a limited time.

UPDATE:  A few of you have just emailed in that you are getting free shipping too!  That makes this deal even more amazing!

Wow!  24 K-cups, $8.24 shipped ($0.34 per K-cup)!  That is a huge deal.

Get $10 off any one Green Mountain Cafe item $10 or more when you enter promo code TENOFFONE at checkout (good through 11/5/12).  AND save an additional 15% when you sign up for the Cafe Express Savings Club.  (Sign up for free and then cancel your membership any time after your order ships, if you so choose.)  Shipping is $5.95.

I got a box of 24 Hazelnut coffee K-cups priced at $14.49.  I joined the Cafe Express Savings Club to get the 15% discount, which dropped the price by $2.20 to $12.29.  I used the promo code TENOFFONE to further drop the price to $2.29.  With the $5.95 shipping, my grand total was $8.24!  That's $0.34 per K-cup.

AND, I also got a free Cafe Express Travel Mug (it was automatically added to my cart). AND, I got a package of Earth Friendly basket coffee filters for free for joining Cafe Express.

Not bad for $8.24.  (Remember, this offer is only good through 10/20/12).

HT:  Hip2Save

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