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Kroger affiliate shoppers, heads up: look out for "Personal Prices" and "Best Customer Exclusive"

I shop at Denver's Kroger affiliate supermarket, King Soopers, all the time. Their prices are generally high, but if you work the specials, use coupons, and shop the sales, you can make out very well there.

They started a brand new perk back in December 2012.  They sent me an email telling me that because I was such a frequent shopper (as with all Kroger stores, they have a shopper loyalty card so that they can track my purchases), I was going to get some special prices on items which I purchase frequently:

  • 12-pack of any Coke product for $2.59
  • 20 oz. bottle of Vitamin Water for $0.49
  • dozen Kroger's large eggs for $1.19
  • Kroger's frozen potatoes 24-32 oz. for $1.67
What this means is that no matter what these four items are selling for in the store, I will always get them at these special prices, as long as I scan my shopper loyalty card at the register.  These personal prices are loaded on to my card as digital coupons, which expire at the end of the month (so far, King Soopers has been renewing them every month).  There is no limit on quantity. 

This is actually a case of marketing brilliance on Kroger's part.  While I'm a little creeped out that they have such personal knowledge of my purchasing habits, these "personal prices" have saved me a fortune of money.  I've stocked up on Vitamin Water and Diet Coke 12-packs, enough to get us through the end of 2013.  I've stowed away a ton of french fries in the back of the freezer for our annual summer barbecue.  And as long as they keep loading these coupons on my card, I'll have dirt cheap eggs for Pesach.  

And yes, you can use paper coupons on top of these "personal prices," saving you even more money. 

If you are an avid Kroger affiliate shopper, do a search on the words "personal prices" or "best customer exclusive" in your Inbox to make sure you haven't missed any emails from Kroger's inviting you to take advantage of this offer.  A few of these emails have landed in my spam folder, so check there too. I've gotten some other digital coupon offers (like a BOGO on Kroger's soda, etc.) through this program as well.

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