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BOGO on Arm & Hammer detergent PLUS 15% off, today only

You can get the best deals when you STACK one promotion on top of another.  Walgreens.com has got a buy-one-get-one-free (BOGO) sale on all Arm & Hammer detergent through tomorrow.  Stack it with today's special Friends and Family 15% off code, FAMILY15, and you've got some great deals.

I've become a huge fan of those little detergent packets for my washer (and dishwasher).  I just love the convenience, the time saved by not measuring, the mess avoided by not spilling, and the no-waste aspect (no scraping out the bottom of the bottle of liquid detergent when it's almost empty).  What I hate is the price you pay for convenience.  My stock-up price is anything $0.16 or less per packet, shipped.

Since I wanted to take advantage of this sale AND avoid the shipping charge (free shipping starts at $25) I bought ten of these Arm & Hammer Toss 'N Done Clean Burst Laundry Detergent Power Paks 20-count at $6.99.  Since they were BOGO, I paid for only five of them and the total came to $34.95.  When I entered  the promo code, FAMILY15 (good today, 10/19/12 only!), that total dropped by 15% or $5.24 to $29.71.  That comes to $2.97 per bag, shipped, (or slightly less than $0.15 per packet). Shipping was free.

These other Arm & Hammer detergents are part of the BOGO sale as well:
Remember, the BOGO sale ends tomorrow and the 15% promo code is good only for today, so snag this great deal now!

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