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Free Star Olive pouch when you buy any Star product

Here's a unique coupon on a product I love:  get one free Star Farmer's Market Olive Pouch when you buy any Star product (olive oil, vinegar, olives). I love these little pouches (I get them at Target); they are perfect for taking for lunch on the go.

UPDATE FOR KOSHER-KEEPING DAILY CHEAPSKATE READERS:  Some of you have reported that there is no hechsher on the packaging of these pouches.  I have purchased them in the past with an OU and they are listed on the OU website, HOWEVER, I do not recommend buying an item that does not have a hechsher printed on the package. I have a call in to the OU about the kosher status of this product, and will let you know as soon as I get an answer from them.


  1. I couldn't get the coupon for this item. Would you mind sending a more specific link?

  2. Try this: http://partners.mysavings.com/z/20088/CD4223/23382&subid1=direct-coupon

    Use my zip code, 80224. Let me know if this works? Thanks,



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