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Learnvest: my 5-minute morning read

I don't often recommend daily emails from "advice" websites, because frankly 1) most are garbage and 2) we all get too much email as it is.  I get a great deal of so-called "frugal" email newsletters, but to be honest with you, most are not worth the effort to reach for the delete button.

But here's one I actually read every day: Learnvest.  I've talked about it before and I'm happy to recommend it again.  Their site is owned by Chase, but they recruit real people to write articles about  facing down the same financial struggles that we do.  Their daily email and financial bootcamp contain smart, sometimes funny, practical advice for frugal living and some interesting discussions about personal finance.  It's one of my must-read stops on the Internet. Saving money is not just about getting a deal or a freebie or a coupon here and there; it's changing the way you feel about money and creating a gestalt of frugal living. Learnvest articles are thought-provoking and always seem to get me thinking creatively about new ways to cut out waste in my life.  Some of my recent favorites:  5 Things to Know When Shopping for a Laptop, The Cost of Being a Grownup, and How I Kicked my Online Shopping Addiction.

Learnvest  programs and articles are for DailyCheapskate readers who are looking for intelligent, well-written features about improving their lives through common-sense frugality.

Sign up for LearnVest here.

(FYI, while I do love their daily newsletters and their financial bootcamp is fantastic, I personally wouldn't recommend linking up your bank accounts up to ANY online service.)


  1. Chavie M10/19/2012

    Susie, I just want to tell you I subscribed last time you recommended it and I LOVE IT! Its definitely an easy, quality and often pretty funny read. And I love their "How to Get Out of Debt" articles. Its actually PRACTICAL advice, not like those other newsletters that are just corporate shills.

  2. Anonymous10/21/2012

    FYI, LearnVest is not owned by Chase. They are privately owned and funded by venture capital.


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