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Some early bird Pesach deals: KLP tuna

UPDATE:  Two of these deals sold out early, so I've added an additional links for KLP tuna.

Here are some early bird special on Kosher La'Pesach tuna. Even though these prices are still way better than what we've got in our local supermarket or other online grocers, I usually don't buy tuna on Pesach. Instead, we eat fresh trout or salmon. But if you've got to have tuna for your kids, these are very decent price for Passover cans.


  1. Any more of these Amazon KLP deals?

  2. Rachel, I have TONS. I put together a spreadsheet comparing last year's prices to this year's, and I'm waiting to post the really excellent deals...so I'm tracking all of the KLP products. Stay tune and watch this space. Last year, I did about a third of my Pesach shopping on Amazon and made out like a bandit.


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