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LAST DAY: 10% off on gift cards at Magic Beans = 100-piece Magna Tiles set for $100 or $500 UppaBaby stroller for $450 and more. Buy the gift card now, redeem and save lots later.

Today, 1/24/16, is your last chance to get 10% off all e-giftcards at Magic Beans.  The discount will drop off at purchase (no promo code needed) and there is no limit on the number of gift cards that you can purchase. The gift cards are redeemable on ANYTHING sold by Magic Beans, whether in-store or online, and can be used to pay for merchandise, tax and/or shipping.

These e-giftcards will be emailed to the purchaser (or gift recipient) no later than Wednesday, 1/27/16.

These make FANTASTIC baby gifts (and they will never know that you didn't pay face value).  If you've got kids at home, these are a great way to save money on future toy, stroller, car-seat or other child-related purchases, especially on items that very rarely go on sale, like Magna Tiles or UppaBaby strollers.  You can use these gift cards as payment methods when Magic Beans runs promotions, to get stackable savings.

Here are the e-giftcard denominations that are available:
Here are some ideas for redeeming these gift cards once you get them.  I'll post more of these next week, after the gift cards are mailed.

With a little advance planning, you can save on items you need that are not discounted too often. Buy the gift cards now, redeem and save later.

This post may contain affiliate links, which means you help support Daily Cheapskate when you make a purchase through these links. Read the full disclosure here.

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