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Freegal: free, LEGAL, downloadable mp3s at your public library

While it's relatively easy to snag deals on Itune gift cards, I may never get one again.  I recently started (legally) downloading free popular music using Freegal at my local Denver Public Library.  Is Freegal available at your library?

Freegal is a downloadable music service, like iTunes, available from public libraries all over the United States. All you need is your library card number and PIN to log in. Iit offers hundreds of thousands of songs in mp3 format, playable and storable on any PC, Mac, or mp3 player including Ipods, more than a hundred genres of music, and more than fifty record labels, including access to the Sony Music Entertainment catalog,. No special software is needed to use the service, and there are no digital rights management restrictions.  That's right, the mp3 downloads are actually DRM free!

There are limits, and it varies by library.  Here in Denver, you can download up to three tracks per week (the new week starts Sunday night).  Each song has a sample clip you can preview before you download. The library also has a weekly limit.  If the library runs out of downloads for the week, you can queue up for your requested song on to a wishlist (Amazon-style).

Just another reason that belonging and actively using your public library is an effortless money-saving no-brainer.

Have you been using Freegal at your public library?

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