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Early Bird Passover deal: KLP Mishpacha vinegar, $2.88 per bottle

This is definitely one deal that you are going to want to split with a few friends. Amazon has a 9-pack of 32 oz. bottles of Mishpacha white vinegar for $25.89 with free shipping, which comes to $2.88 per bottle.  

We use a ton of vinegar on Pesach because we make our own salad dressing for every meal, so I ordered this and I'm keeping 3 bottles and splitting the other 6 between three friends.


  1. Just re-posted to my FB page... let the Pesach Shopping Co-Op begin!

  2. Anonymous2/12/2013

    Please share your salad dressing recipes!

  3. Thank you Caroline! Anonymous, will definitely share a few a little later...nothing too fancy, believe me.


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