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$20 off $50 at Staples for breakroom and cleaning supplies = some crazygood deals!

Get $20 off your $50 breakroom or cleaning purchase at Staples.com, when you enter the promo code 54557 at checkout.  That's like getting 40% off your purchase!

Use it for supercheap K-cups:  Here's one idea on using the coupon:  add 4 of these 18-count boxes of K-Cups at $11.99 (4 x $11.99 = $47.96) and then add this 50-count package of hot cups at $3.49 to bring it up past $50.  Your total will be $51.45.  With the coupon, that total will drop down to $31.45 with free shipping for the 72 K-cups and 50 hot cups.  That drops the price of each K-cup down to about $0.40 each!

Use it to buy a Keurig and stack with a rebate:  Here's another deal.  Add this Keurig B31 brewer at $99.99 to your cart. The coupon will drop it down to $79.99.  After purchase, you can send in for this $20 rebate here, dropping the price on that brewer to $59.99 shipped.  This same brewer goes for $85.00 + $9.99 shipping on Amazon.

Use it for cleaning supplies that are already on sale:  Here's one last scenario.  Add to your cart:
Your subtotal for all of these items will be $52.98 or just $32.98 plus free shipping after the $20 coupon. You could easily just pay that for the Cottonelle alone!

What other great buys did you find using this awesome $20 off $50 promo code at Staples.com?

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