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Get a Keurig B130 brewer and canister of Coffee Mate creamer for $56.08 shipped, at Office Depot

Missed out on other chances to get a really good deal on a Keurig?  The Keurig Office Depot deal is back!

Get a Keurig B130 In-Home Hotel Brewer AND a 22 oz. canister of Coffee Mate Creamer for just $56.08 with free shipping from Office Depot.  Here's how:
  1. Click here and add the Keurig B130 In-Home Hotel Brewer to your shopping cart.  It's priced at $69.99.
  2. Click here and add the 22 oz. canister of Coffee Mate Creamer to your shopping cart.  It's priced at $6.09. Your total will be $76.08.  (Note, if you don't want the creamer, you can really add any filler, as long it costs $5.01 or more.)
  3. Use promo code 367597258 at checkout to get $20 off your $75 purchase. The price drops to $56.08 (sans tax). 
  4. Shipping is free. 
  5. Your grand total for the Keurig B130 In-Home Hotel Brewer and the 22 oz. canister of Coffee Mater creamer is $56.08 with free shipping
(That's a steal.  Amazon has got the Keurig B130 brewer (on its own) for $72.99 plus $8.99 shipping = $81.98.)

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