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PRICE DROP ALERT: 8-quart Hamilton Beach slow cooker with "mess-free" lid rest feature, $30.98 with free shipping

UPDATE 10/18/12:  This item has dropped its price to $30.98!

This slow cooker is LARGE.  I mean LARGE.

I found this at the request of a friend who has five sons.   Her 6-quart Crock Pot (which I consider on the larger side) just wasn't cutting it anymore.  "Between the five bottomless pits of my boys stomachs and frequent weekend guests, the stews and chulents that I make in the 'normal-large' size of the 6-quart Crock Pot were disappearing halfway through the meal."

She asked me to find her a larger slow cooker that wouldn't break the bank but was still a recognizable brand name and well-reviewed.  This Hamilton Beach 8-quart (yes, 8!) slow cooker is only $34.95 $30.98 with free shipping from Amazon, the lowest price name-brand slow cooker that I've seen at this size.  I got 4-1/2 out of 5 stars over forty mostly excellent customer reviews.

It's got another feature that I really like:  a "mess-free lid rest" that holds the lid up securely and directs drips back into the crock.  I'm always looking for a spot to put the hot, drippy lid when I serve from my slow cooker.  And, the lid rest also doubles as a cord holder for when the slow cooker is not in use.

  • Perfect for large meals: fits up to a 7 lb. roast or chicken.
  • Large full-grip handles for easy carrying.
  • 4 settings: off, low, high, and keep warm.
  • Removable and dishwasher-safe stoneware liner and lid.
  • 10 1/2" W x 16 1/2" H x 16 1/4" D 
  • Weighs 16.69 lbs.

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