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Play Home Depot's Zombie Mulch game and earn a $5, $10, and $15 coupon for Lawn and Garden items
This was the funnest time I had earning $30 in free Home Depot merchandise! Home Depot has got a new Facebook game called Zombie Mulch. In this game, you are driving a virtual mulch truck in a post-apocalyptic world and your object is to flip as many shuffling Zombies as you can into the back of your truck and mulch them. Each Zombie is equal to 6 cubic feet of mulch. The road is piled with debris and potholes, which you must steer (using your keyboard's up/down arrow keys) to avoid, so as in real life, you can't mulch every Zombie who comes your way. You are allowed to hit up to three piles of debris or potholes. On your fourth hit, the game ends. You don't gain or lose anything by running over the Zombies. There are "power-up" tools that you can pick up help you draw in Zombies like a magnet, or get double cubic footage for each Zombie, etc. You can keep playing over and over to accumulate more cubic feet of Zombie mulch.
At 1,250 cubic feet of Zombie mulch, you win a $5 Home Depot coupon. At 2,500 cubic feet of Zombie mulch, you win a $10 Home Depot coupon. At 5,000 cubic feet of Zombie mulch, you win a $15 Home Depot coupon. The coupons are good through 12/31/12 and each one is a straight discount on a single receipt purchase. So if you buy a $25 bag of grass seed at Home Depot, you cannot combine the $15 coupon and the $10 coupon; you basically must use each coupon on a separate purchase.
It took me a few tries, but I won all three coupons! We are winterizing our lawn this week, so these coupons are going to come in very handy on fertilizer, weedkiller, grass seed, bulbs, etc. I'm also going to tell my husband to play so that we can pick up a few nice plants for the house as well....all for free or heavily discounted!
It's a fun game too, btw.
Home Depot
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